Extended abstract submission

The submitted extended abstracts are peer-reviewed. Revisions can be made following peer-review. Submit your extended abstract in PDF form, following the templates provided for LaTeX and Microsoft Word users. The extended abstracts should be 4-6 pages long.

Word template download: https://icders2025.com/WordTemplate.docx

Latex template download: https://icders2025.com/LatexTemplate.zip

Submit your extended abstracts on the Microsoft CMT platform.

Following the conference, the extended abstracts will be made publicly available on the website of the Institute for the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems.

Authors of accepted extended abstracts are encouraged to submit their full-length papers to Shock Waves (Editor, Prof. Gaby Ciccarelli, Queen’s University) and Combustion Science and Technology (Editor, Yu-Chien (Alice) Chien, University of California, Irvine), who publish special issues for ICDERS 2025 contributions.