30th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems​

July 27 – August 1, 2025​

University of Ottawa, Ottawa Canada

Scientific program​

The International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS) has been held every two years since its founding in 1967 by N. Manson, A.K. Oppenheim, and R. Soloukhin. The colloquium has been the premier international forum for the presentation of scientific contributions in the fields of explosions and unsteady combustion, where there is strong coupling between reaction and fluid mechanics. It is recognized by The Combustion Institute as a Specialists Meeting on the fluid dynamics of combustion.

Prof. Ashwin Chinnayya, ISAE-ENSMA, Institut Pprime, Poitiers, France
Prof. Edyta Dzieminska, Sophia University, Japan
Prof. Ming-Hsun Wu, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Prof. Olivier Mathieu, Texas A&M University, U.S.A

Technical sessions:
Detonations (gaseous, dispersed, condensed)
• Front structure and instabilities
• Initiation, propagation and failure
Kinetics (chemical, metalized)
Detonation engines
Ramjets, scramjets
• Front structure and instabilities
• Ignition, propagation and quenching

Turbulent combustion
Deflagration to detonation transition (DDT)
Fire dynamics
Propellant, ballistics
Battery kinetics and safety
Low carbon fuels (biofuels)
Carbon free fuels (metals, hydrogen, ammonia)
Application of deep/machine learning to reactive systems
New numerical techniques for high-speed reacting flow computations

Invited Sessions:
Role of non-equilibrium effects in detonation waves (Prof. Xian Shi)
Liquid phase detonations (Prof. Hai Wang)
Diffusive processes in gaseous detonations (Prof. Matei Radulescu)

Key Dates

Abstract Submission: January 5, 2025 January 26, 2025 February 16, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: March 31, 2025
Early registration: May 1, 2025

Plenary Speakers​

Prof. Kareem Ahmed, University of Central Florida, “Detonations from hypersonic propulsion engines to exploding stars’

Dr. Pascale Domingo, CORIA-CNRS, “Fast and capricious: combustion at high speed

Prof. Aamir Farooq, KAUST, “New perspectives on multi-mode and multi-scale shockwave dynamics

Dr. Andrzej Pekalski, Shell U.K., “Learnings and advancements in understanding Vapour cloud explosions since Buncefield accident”

Local Host Committee​

Prof. Matei I. Radulescu, University of Ottawa
Prof. Brian Maxwell, University of Ottawa
Prof. James McDonald, University of Ottawa
Dr. Farzane Zangene, University of Ottawa
Prof. Gaby Ciccarelli, Queens’ University
Prof. Jackson Crane, Queens’ University
Prof. She-Ming Lau-Chapdelaine, Royal Military College
Dr. Patricio Vena, National Research Council (NRC)

Our Sponsors​

The colloquium benefited from the generous financial support from diverse organizations.

If your company is interested in sponsorship of the 30th ICDERS, please contact the chair of the Local Site Committee chair Dr. Matei Radulescu [email protected].  Sponsorship will result in your company logo appearing on the conference web site https://icders2025.com and technical program. As part of your sponsorship, we can also arrange for a booth where you can set up a banner and a table for product demonstration or company literature.